7th Annual - Night of Hope 7 Tickets coming soon

6th Annual Night of Hope 6

Love Society AZ

Love Society donates Love Bags to families and children ranging from cancer, homelessness, foster and human trafficking. When Love Bags are being donated an event is also hosted for those receiving the Love Bags. We believe in not only donating Love Bags,

About Love Society AZ

Our Mission
Creating a community of LOVE by encouraging children, adults and businesses to get involved and make a difference through events and filling Love Bags for children and families in need.

Who we help
We fill Love Bags and host events for children living in poverty, foster children, mothers and their children living in shelters, children rescued from human trafficking and more.

Our Impact
Over the last 8 years we have filled OVER 20,000 Love Bags, and hosting 100s of special events for children and mothers in need.

Signup to get information on volunteering for Love Society AZ


What does it mean to Take The Pledge?

By taking the pledge, you’re declaring your commitment to join the fight against Human Trafficking in Arizona and beyond.

  1. Complete this form to let us know you’ve taken the pledge.
  2. Tell your friends and family.
  3. Join us at Night of Hope 6.
  4. Contribute financially towards the fight against Human Trafficking locally.

Take a Stand.
Take the Pledge.

I support those who fight against Human Trafficking and protect the vulnerable. I commit to be more informed, and I will help raise awareness in my community. Please join me in the effort to prevent Human Trafficking, and recover and restore victims by educating others, volunteering, or donating.

Coming Soon!

Night of Hope 7 
Tickets coming soon.

Night of Hope 6 
Grand Canyon University Arena
Sunday, February 18, 2024
5:00 PM



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...He said he loved her. So, she ran away with him.

Once isolated from family and friends, the relationship became abusive. Amy was raped and became pregnant. When she turned 18, her boyfriend turned “business manager” gave her an ultimatum: sell her body or he would sell the baby.


moved in with his grandmother after his mother died. Struggling to adjust to a new high school, he spent most of his time in chat rooms. After several lonely months, he got a direct message from an online friend inviting him to a party. Javier went to the party, and without question, accepted the drink he was handed. Sometime later, he woke, disorientated and surrounded by unknown men. One of the men held Javier’s phone and a gun. He pulled up a picture of Javier’s grandmother, and waved the gun at the photo, saying if Javier didn’t do what he was told, they would kill her.
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